Why are we seeking sponsorship?
We are renowned for our adventurous and ambitious programmes often including rarely performed works.
These concerts frequently involve a professional orchestra playing period instruments.
We are seeking sponsorship to help pay for professional orchestras.
Our past sponsors include:
Other ways you can support us?
- Advertise your business in our concert programmes/publicity material
- Make a donation
- Become a "Friend" of the choir
- Support in kind – e.g. provide our Interval Refreshments, Print our tickets/programmes
- Got a bright idea of your own? then please tell us!
Sponsorship information and forms
Our updated sponsorship
"pack" which contains full details of how you can support us will soon be available here for download. In the mean
time If you would like to discuss sponsorship with
us please Email sponsorus@canonburycc.co.uk
with your enquiry.
Would you consider providing a link to our website? A simple no cost way to support us
but makes our group known to a wider audience. We in turn will do the same for you and will
encourage our visitors to pay you a visit as a thank you for your support. Interested? Please Email us at weblinks@canonburycc.co.uk with details of your site.